ePROCURE: From chaos to order

The system serves as a collaborative platform through the use of Information and Communication Technology in conducting key procurement activities in acquisition of goods, works, and services with enhanced efficiency in procurement management. The PIS ePROCURE value chain consists of indent management, purchase requisition, e-Tendering, e-Auctioning, vendor management, catalogue management, Order & Ship Notices, and contract management.

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Ensure better planning

All starts with need recognition followed up with formal planning process that determines what to buy, when and from what source.

Competitive Bidding

Provide multiple channels to customers Collaborate towards one stop customer service request fulfillment

Just-In-Time Requisition

Employ just-in-time requisition to increase efficiency and decrease waste by receiving goods, services and works only as they are needed

Streamline contract management

Streamline contract management